The company BRITA, producing spark plugs with mica and later ceramic insulation is founded in Tábor.
OHM Keramische Werke, a German company from Berlin, takes over the control of the company, and the production is governed by war needs
The company is transferred under the national administration of automotive and aeronautical enterprises PAL (this brand is further used as a registered trademark)
The company merges with rival company in Tábor CÍL
Foundation of JISKRA, an independent national enterprise, which focuses on the production of automotive spark plugs
The company?s production programme is extended by PALTEST diagnostic devices and low-voltage ignition devices for airplanes
Production of technical and electrical ceramics
Realization of cold forging of spark plug shells
Foundation of the joint-stock company BRISK Tábor as a legal successor of the state-owned enterprise JISKRA
Certification according to ISO 9001 gained
Expansion of production with exhaust emission diagnostics
Completion of the privatisation of the company
Commencement of production of speed sensors for OEM ŠKODA AUTO
Supply of car spark plugs for OEM ŠKODA AUTO
Expansion of product portfolio with ignition electrodes and ionisation probes for gas appliances
Certification according to VDA 6.1 and QS-9000 gained
The company is ranked among best suppliers of the VW Group
Certification according to EMS – ISO 14 001 gained
The company opens a plant for the production of spark plugs in the Kaliningrad region – Russia
Supply of spark plugs to OEM AvtoVAZ
Supply of spark plugs to OEM GAZ
Supply of spark plugs to OEM Lamborghini Motori Marina
Supply of sensors to VW
Certification according ISO/TS 16949 gained
Supply of spark plugs to OEMs GM and SEAT
Supply of sensors to OEM Volvo Powertrain
Start of production of cold forged metal shells on Sakamura press
Start of deliveries of spark plugs to USA ? Nology
Ing. Mojmir Capka became 100% owner of the company BRISK Tabor a.s.
The cold forging machine JERN YAO for metal shell production was put into operation
Innovation of spark plugs DOX15LE1 for concern VW
The assembly line for production of centre and ground electrodes with copper core was put into operation
Acquisition of 100% market share in the supply of Brisk spark plugs into the Russian OEM AvtoVAZ
Start of the serial supplies of STOP-START sensor for VW engines
Start of the supply of ABS sensors to VW Brasil
Start of the supply of spark plugs to OEM HUSQVARNA
Accession of the BRISK brand to the TecDoc system
Implementation of the new HELIOS Green information system
Successful ESD audit by Audi for the sensors division
Introduction of new line of spark plugs BRISK PREMIUM EVO on the market
Succesfull establishment of cooperation in the supplies of sensors for ABS system with company StreetScooter Ltd. from Aachen Germany, which produces carting electromobiles for German Post
Doubling of the production capacity of sensors for crankshaft
Extension of the capacity of plastic pressing
Succesfull launch of BRISK new web pages
Implementation of a new software tool for the support of Project Management and CRM

Initial BRITA building

1946 construction of the new production hall

1975 Golden Spark Plug MotoCross Tábor

1970 motor boats

1963 The Špindlerův mlýn Six-Day Motrorcycle Race

1963 Louis Chiron and Eliška Junková visit the company

1963 completion of the administration building

1960 24-hour race

1955 production of spark plugs

1954 production of spark plugs

1953 production of spark plugs

1950 production of spark plugs

1949 production of spark plugs